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Sale Ends March 17th

Sale Ends March 17th
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Do you long to be more organized?
Do you need Garage Organization Ideas?
Is your garage bursting at the seams as the car sits outside?
What can you do? A backyard storage shed could be the answer.
Here we consider a 10×14 shed. No monstrosity, this size shed nicely fits into even the smallest backyard.
But you might be asking, “What can I fit into a 10×14 shed?”.
Read on to find creative ways to fit more into a 10×14 shed. But first, why a shed in the first place?
You live in a busy world. One of these times you’re afraid you’ll meet yourself coming when you’re going. Being busy is fine (I guess) as long as you don’t forget the important things in life. An integral part of all this is your backyard. What better place to leave the busyness of the world behind? Have a sanctuary right on your home turf.
A nicely landscaped 10×14 shed like the one above adds to the “at home” feel. Dare I say it can even express your character, or at least your preferences? We’ll look at specific styles that may help that expression later in this blog.
Stuff; The bane of modern living. Gadgets. “Must have” tools. There’s yard upkeep, gardening, house repair, and other maintenance needs, not to mention the all-important recreational “tools.” One of the main ideas behind a 10×14 shed is to provide a place for some of this stuff.
Now if you have a Rolls Royce you want to store, or something with more size and substance than your zero-turn mower, you might want to look into a bigger storage shed or even a prefab one car garage. Or, maybe you’re looking to have a sports shed where you can exercise regularly. But just stuff? A 10×14 storage shed rocks.
Don’t make the mistake of deciding on the size of your shed by pure guesswork.
Think about what you have to store in your new backyard storage shed. A 10×14 shed is limited in its storage footprint, but there are ways to make the most of the 140 square feet you have. See the floorplan here to get an idea of what might fit into a 10×14 shed. You can nicely fit a lawnmower or ATV along with bikes and other tools.
Read on to see how to make use of every square foot in your 10×14 outdoor garden shed.
Now you’re thinking, “I’ll never fit everything in there.” Wait a minute.
Don’t forget you have wall space that’s usable, not only floor space. Look at these excellent ideas to use every square inch of your shed.
Even if your middle name isn’t “Organized,” you can use the space in your 10×14 shed in amazing ways.
In addition to the wall space, you also have the overhead space in portable buildings to think about. Hative gives a few great ways to maximize ceiling space.
Feeling lofty?
Seriously, there are multiple ways to put that upper space to work, even with a 10×14 shed. This can be a simple DIY loft project where you add a loft at either end or a wraparound loft as shown in the photo from Shed King, or you can incorporate it into your original plan.
You may be pleasantly surprised how much storage space is added to your 10×14 shed with a loft. Items not used often can be stored up and out of the way while remaining accessible when you need them.
Please keep in mind that the storage shed roof style you choose will likewise increase the amount of storage available in your loft area. You can see the various roofline options from Sheds Unlimited here.
The delivery guy was amazing with his placement of my 10×14 shed in less than 15 minutes. Everyone I spoke to was very knowledgeable, respectful, and pleasant to deal with. Could not ask for a better experience, would recommend Sheds Unlimited to anyone.
Now that you know a 10×14 storage shed has the space you need (with all the new organization ideas), you need to choose a shed style. Keep in mind again, that the amount of interior storage space will depend on the shed choice you make.
If you want a basic, entry-level 10×14 backyard storage solution, look no further. Our tried and true Standard Mini Barn Shed may be a plain Jane, but like all our sheds it is customizable to your specifications.
Want an extra window? No problem.
Need a fiberglass door? Done.
Welcome to your standard 10×14 workshop shed! This is also known as an A-Frame shed. It may not have all the bells and whistles, but it will definitely get the job done.
Available in our economy workshop shed or classic a-frame shed line in wood, vinyl or clapboard.
These 10×14’s are a mainstay and are easier on your wallet. Consider adding a loft as seen in the “Maximize Space” section above.
Here is another economical way to get more bang for your buck. As we mentioned earlier, your roofline determines how much space you have up above.
This 10×14 MaxiBarn Shed gives you more space for the wrap-around loft!
You will be pleasantly surprised at the low cost as well.
This beautifully crafted style gives you even more space upstairs with the gambrel roofline. Cost is not much more than the previous styles.
If you want to see the Gambrel Shed Prices, more photos, or see the standard features, click here.
Last but certainly not least, this line of outdoor sheds look like … well, maybe it’s easier to say what they DON’T look like.
They have too much character to simply be classed as “a shed.” Definitely, not your Grandfather’s storage shed. Maybe “Beautifully Crafted Backyard Building” would be a good way to describe them.
Going with one of these beauties will definitely make a statement. And, like all of our options, it will get the job done.
Whether you choose the more economical route by selecting one of our sturdy entry level 10×14 sheds, or go all out with a Premier Outdoor Garden Shed, be sure to give us a call or stop by.
Remember, your backyard makes a statement about you.
Now your storage shed can do the same.
And hey, while you’re looking. How about checking out 101 Creative Uses for a Storage Shed or Garage? It’s amazing what people do with sheds these days!
Create the building of your dreams by customizing a design in 3D. You can also call us at 717-442-3281. We're here to assist you!