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If you are about to purchase a new garage and want to know the different garage roof styles, truss styles, etc., this article will give you a full overview.
Let’s get started!
The following offers you the list of garage roof styles and their distinct shapes. Also, this list discusses how common each garage roof style is.
The gable garage roof is your typical, A-frame roof style. With a central ridge and a simple, symmetrically-sloped roof, the gable frame offers a simplistic, traditional look to your property. The garage door is typically placed below the gable on single-car garages, but can be placed on the gable or side walls on larger multiple-car garages.
The gable or A-frame garage roof style is the most common garage roof style.
A gambrel garage style roof is your typical barn-style roof. With a double-sloped design on either side of the roof, this style of roof also provides the most interior headspace, which makes it the perfect candidate for the addition of an attic.
The gambrel garage roof style is also popular, although not as common as the gable garage roof style.
The saltbox garage roof style has two asymmetrical sides. There is one longer side and one shorter side. While both sides of the roof have low slopes, the longer side has only a very slight slope. The shape of this garage-style shed resembles old salt boxes used in the latter 19th century.
The saltbox garage roof style is also common; however, it is considered a runner-up to the gambrel garage roof style in popularity.
The hip garage roof style is a roof that slopes upward on all sides to meet at a centralized peak. The style and shape resemble an upside-down toy top, that slopes down into four corners that often extend past the roof siding.
This garage roof style is a bit less popular than the gable or gambrel style but is still commonly used. While this garage roof style is fairly common, some prefab garage builders will only build it upon special request.
The mono slope garage roof style (also known as a “lean-to” or “shed” garage roof) has one single-sloped roof. This style of garage roofing is one of the simplest.
The mono slope garage roof is used in our modern garages. It is also commonly seen on attached garages where the garage roof meets the wall of a home or other existing building.
The flat garage roof style appears almost flat; however, upon further inspection, it is very slightly sloped. This style of garage roof has a very modern look.
Although its contemporary look is appealing, this garage roof style is not as favorable of an option due to its unreliability in cold weather and its short-term lifespan (an average of 10 years).
The mansard garage roof style combines both the gambrel style and the hip style. It is a four-sided, double-sloped roof type that incorporates dormer windows at their lower angles.
This style of roof is very uncommon for garages and only available on garages custom-built from scratch. Most times, people will only use this garage roof style if they want to match their garage roof style with an existing building on their property.
Now that we discussed the different garage roof styles available, let’s take a closer look at each of their available truss styles.
The type of trusses you use for your garage does affect its interior space. Also, some garage roof styles only offer certain truss styles.
Thus, it is helpful to know what truss styles are available with each garage roof style.
We’ll give you a quick definition of some of the most popular types of trusses now so that you know exactly what each truss style is.
The gable garage truss style is fairly simple and normal. As mentioned earlier, a gable-style roof is essentially an A-frame roof. Per truss, the garage truss web for a gable garage truss slightly resembles a W-shape. Meeting at the peak, the garage truss web travels to the bottom of the truss, then bounces back with two smaller braces back up to the top (not the peak) of the truss. The gable garage truss style has a gentle 5/12 slope.
However, for the steeper-sloped classic or premier sheds, the slope will be at a much steeper pitch of 11/12.
However, if you add an attic to your gable garage roof, the dynamics will change a bit for garage attic trusses. To provide for maximum space and as little structural interference as possible, the garage attic truss style has two braces, spaced about 14’ apart (on a 28’ attic workshop garage). Near the peak, there is another small brace that bridges the interior ridge angle.
The Gambrel garage truss style is found on our Maxi Barn garages. With a double slope, the gambrel truss style offers maximum storage space by allowing more overhead space and taking out a lot of the structural supports that an A-frame truss style would have. The Gambrel truss style has a pitch of 22/12.
As you probably already guessed, the Saltbox truss style is found on our Saltbox sheds. We’ve already talked about what the design of a saltbox shed looks like earlier, so we won’t go into more detail there. The longer roof side has a 5/12 pitch while the shorter roof side on the front has a steeper 10/12 pitch. On a 28’ saltbox truss, there are 14 braces that run vertically, further stabilizing the garage roof.
Next let’s look at the last piece to garage roof styles: its roofing materials.
The type of roofing material that you choose will affect the overall price of your garage, its aesthetics, and its functionality.
There are 3 main roofing material categories to choose from: shingles, metal, and membrane. There are also several other less common options.
Let’s go over each category.
The following are three different types of shingles, typically used for covering the garage roof.
The following information offers you two types of metal shingles that can be used for the roof of your garage.
It is important to note that membrane is only used for garages with a flat roof style and under a 2/12 pitch.
The following information offers you 3 types of membrane used to top a flat roof surface.
NOTE: The different types of garage roofing materials marked with a “*” are offered by Sheds Unlimited upon special request.
We hope the above breakdown of garage roof styles, trusses, and materials have helped you to sort out what the best options are for your new prefab garage. If you want to learn more about garages, read our article on board and batten garages. Or, if you have questions regarding garage permits in PA, NJ, NY or MD read our articles.
If you are in the northeastern part of the USA and looking for a reputable garage builder, check out Sheds Unlimited and our prefab garages.
Otherwise, we wish you the best of luck nailing down your ideal prefab garage!
Create the building of your dreams by customizing a design in 3D. You can also call us at 717-442-3281. We're here to assist you!